Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tanha Akeyla

Bakhani is the collection of hindi poem written by heart while feeling that I am lost between the ways and destination. All the stress of mind was explained with these lines which are now present at BAKHANI.
Bakhani is the collection of Hindi Poems written by me dedicated to my parents and fully furnished with thoughts and HINDI LITERATURE.

Click bellow to see      ------v

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Earth Quake

Hello friends,

once again welcome to the world of StylerJeeT. Now you may find my poems on my personal website and collection of hindi poem as BAKHANI also you may find same on My last poem -

भूकम्प: An EarthQuake

is based on Earthquake on Nepal and India.
 which is described in HINDI as well as English.
the description of my poem in english is as follows:

all the homes were destroyed,
many person’s home just destroyed,
THE WORLD was shaked, the earth and the sky was shaked,
an strange turn came to earth,
with fear people think either inside or outside,
all the homes were destroyed

Bakhani Hindi Poems, kavita- khayali pulao

The video for the hindi poem in my website Wordings are as follows खयाली पुलाव ...